First to Respond, Last to Seek Help:

Military members, veterans, and first responders are passionate about their careers in helping others. In order to take care of others, it is critical to care for yourself. We assist individuals in teaching them how to bounce back and be resilient after traumatic situations, specifically focusing on:

• Depression • Anxiety • Self Esteem • PTSD • Grief • Anger

Unfortunately many of our brothers and sisters need this type support but are afraid to seek assistance because of the stigma of counseling, or the potential for it to adversely impact their careers. This is another critical and valuable aspect of Restored Ministries; we are intentionally not state-licensed therapists, but Pastoral Counselors, and therefore this form of support is not reportable.

Pastoral Care & Counseling for Military Members & First Responders

Assisting individuals in moving from a place of being merely functional to living a thriving life and encouraging individuals to develop strategies for overcoming obstacles and enabling them to pursue their passion. Through encouragement, accountability, planning assistance, and rock-solid support, in conjunction with cognitive-based therapeutic platforms, we assist you in becoming the person whom God created you to be.

Christian Life Consultancy

We work with individuals to develop specialized and focused progression in order to build a future focusing on who you really are and want to be. Naturally, as Christian Life Consultants, we rely on guidance from the Holy Spirit in the discernment process. Whether our clients are Christians are not, we have the Holy Spirit within us, and that same Spirit knows the plans and the callings that He has for each of us.


The RESTORED Extreme Cycling Team is a Christian-based fundraising organization supporting health and human-related services by seeking sponsorship and donations through cycling events. Services offered are:

• Coaching • Training • Nutrition • Fundraising Events